The quality of our products is backed by the tradition of a family of craftsmen who day to day work to produce hams and sausages with an unique taste and aroma.
Catalina Rodríguez y su marido Emilio Salas emprenden haciendo embutidos de manera artesanal en unas instalaciones de 150 m2 donde también vendían, además de los embutidos, carne fresca.
Se amplían las instalaciones a 1820 m2 donde se fabrican embutidos y se incorpora la curación de los jamones.
Se crea la sociedad Hijos de Catalina Rodríguez Castaño SL y se centra la producción en los jamones.
Las instalaciones cuentan con 8.000 m2, en las que se encuentran el secadero de jamones, zona de salado y postsalados, sala de deshuese y el departamento administrativo. Sin olvidarnos del pequeño local donde comenzó todo en 1982 en el que sigue produciendo embutidos de manera tradicional.
¿Qué nos mueve?
Always offering the highest quality
Working with respect for tradition
Always showing transparency towards our team and clients
Exceeding ourselves each day
Maintaining our social commitment with the environment
Promoting Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I)

“The achievements of an organisation are the results of the combined effort of each individual” Vince Lombardi
The effort, capacity and professionalism of each member of the team of Jamones Tío Emilio are reflected in the quality of our ham and sausages.
For this reason, our commitment, both personal and professional, with each one of them is solid and constant.
Do you want to be part of our team?
Send us your CV to

Jamones Tío Emilio
Customer support

Hijos de Catalina Rodríguez Castaño, S.L. has been the beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve competitiveness of the SMEs and thanks to which an International Digital Marketing Plan has been set in motion with the objective of improving its positioning online in foreign markets during the year 2021. For this it has had the support of the XPANDE DIGITAL Programme of the Chamber of Commerce of Almería.